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Colour Mirrors Oils

The round bottled essential oils can be used in your bath over a period of time (an approximate guide is 3 weeks).
You can benefit from just holding the bottle, meditating with it, placing it on parts of your body where you feel it is needed or using it as a body oil. The price each is $69.00.

Results 1 - 28 of 87

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01. The Sun - I Am

Yellow is the colour of intellect, brightness, light and joy. This bottle helps clear confusion and fear and connects you with your I AMness - your true power.

Price: $69.00

02. The Moon - I Feel

This bottle is helpful for difficulties with communication and making yourself heard. Blue is the colour of peace, protection and connection with the Angelic ...

Price: $69.00

03. Jupiter

This bottle indicates a shift from old patterns of giving power away, to fearlessly reclaiming who you are and what you are for.

Price: $69.00

04. Uranus

This is the time to let go of old beliefs, structures, people and places that are not in alignment with your truth.

Price: $69.00

05. Mercury

The number five is about dealing with issues of discipline and freedom. These colours signify change and new beginnings and are about letting go of all the ...

Price: $69.00

06. Venus

Pink is the colour of unconditional love. The more you are able to love yourself, the more abundant and love-filled your life will be.

Price: $69.00

07. Neptune

This is a time to trust that miracles can happen and that you are on the brink of something wonderful. Trust the process – it works.

Price: $69.00

08. Saturn

Saturn brings gifts when you stop judging yourself and helps you to overcome feelings of restriction and burden.

Price: $69.00

09. Mars

Mars is your fire energy. Use it to change what needs changing and say what needs saying rather than holding grudges that endlessly play in your head as “I ...

Price: $69.00

10. Wheel of Fortune

It is time to access your inner wisdom. Trust your heart as you stand before changes in your life. You have everything you need.

Price: $69.00

11. Duality

Hidden in these colours are the answers to issues of separation. This is where you finally let go of your judgment of God and yourself as an aspect of God.

Price: $69.00

12. Heaven on Earth

What is keeping you from living heaven on earth? Use this bottle and let it show you the core belief is that is keeping you from living your perfect life.

Price: $69.00

13. Transformation - Pluto

This bottle is about being able to go through the dark night of the soul and come out stronger. Helps release grief and is a powerful support for anyone going ...

Price: $69.00

14. Movement

Relates to the media, publishing, television, internet and communication with the public. Expect the unexpected. The sanctuary you are seeking is at hand.

Price: $69.00

15. Magician

Magic based on feminine power. Hope for the future. The magician is the bringer of heaven to earth because he has owned his power to co-create. This is the ...

Price: $69.00

16. The Tower

This bottle says you are being taken seriously as a spiritual being having a human experience and wherever change takes you it will always be perfect.

Price: $69.00

17. The Wish

This is a time when all you wish for can become real. This bottle is an indication of a new phase in your life or a change of status e.g., marriage, a new ...

Price: $69.00

18. Spiritual and Material Conflict

This is a difficult vibration because it denotes confusion and a struggle. Notice what blocks you from bringing heaven to earth and where you still betray ...

Price: $69.00

19. Buddhic Bliss

You have come through the dark night of the soul and now it is time to own the blessings of joy and love. You are the power in your life.

Price: $69.00

20. Awakening

The awakening is the soul awakening to its true self and understanding the essential truth that there is no separation. The Divine is in everything.

Price: $69.00

21. The Key

Traditionally at 21 you are given a key to the door. This is the end of a cycle and you have come of age. You are now fully responsible for what you create ...

Price: $69.00

22. Forgiveness

Magenta relates to Divine love: this is a time to let go and let God. These colours are strongly indicative of a healer’s journey and ask you to finally ...

Price: $69.00

23. Initiation

This bottle indicates an initiation successfully completed. It is time to step out of the darkness and back into the light, where all that you have learnt can ...

Price: $69.00

24. Love, Money & Creativity

Now is the time to own the blessings of love, money and creativity in your life and the gifts of the past that brought you here.

Price: $69.00

25. Trust

This is the time to move beyond judgement. Begin to see how the flow and your faith have always taken you exactly where you needed to be. Be at peace with ...

Price: $69.00

26. Partnerships

This is not an easy vibration, and the main lesson is to stand on your own two feet. Let go of anger and resentment; this is a time for radical forgiveness.

Price: $69.00

27. Harvest

Having sown in the most positive sense, you can now bring in the harvest. You and your higher self are becoming one and co-creating a magical reality. This is ...

Price: $69.00

28. New Beginnings

This bottle will help you create the reality that serves you best. You cannot fight or panic it into being better, you can only love it into joy. These ...

Price: $69.00

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Shipping Charges

Within Canada the shipping is $16 for the first bottle and $6 for each additional bottle ordered.